Oliver Thompson

Interests: kitchen cleaning, appliance maintenance, food safety, cooking

Oliver Thompson is a professional chef and culinary instructor with a passion for clean and organized kitchens. He believes that a well-maintained kitchen is the key to creating delicious and healthy meals. Oliver is a regular contributor to Clean Envy, where he shares his expertise on kitchen cleaning, appliance maintenance, and food safety.

Articles By This Author

Lifting the Yellow Curse: Eco-Friendly Methods to Remove Pee Stains from Mattresses
Home Cleaning Stain Removal Bedroom Cleaning

Lifting the Yellow Curse: Eco-Friendly Methods to Remove Pee Stains from Mattresses

Banish pee stains the green way! Dive into our blog for DIY vinegar-baking soda solutions, top eco-friendly products, and a step-by-step stain removal guide. Plus, expert FAQs, a recipe for enzymatic cleaners, and more to keep your mattress spotless and sustainable.

Stain Wars: Your Ultimate Guide to Getting Out Grass and Blood Stains
Stain Removal Exterior Cleaning

Stain Wars: Your Ultimate Guide to Getting Out Grass and Blood Stains

Tackle stubborn grass and blood stains with our ultimate stain removal guide. Learn the science behind these common stains, pre-treatment steps, and effective removal methods. Plus, glean tips on caring for your fabrics and preventing future stains. Test your knowledge with our interactive quiz!